Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Inspected, detected and selected...

Crikey am I tired of doctors and dentists and whatnot! See, I've got a very flexible schedule during the semester break and a fairly rigid one during the semester so I thought I'd get some routine maintenance out of the way during the winter break. UGH! Since December 20 I've had three dental appointments, three doctors appointments and there are still a few more on the calendar. Bratticus is having oral surgery the 23rd and I go back into the semester schedule that same week. EEP! When all is said and done, I'll have had three crowns, my annual pap test, mammogram and (whoohoo!) a colonoscopy. Let me tell you that colonoscopy is TONS. OF. FUN. You get to sleep through the test, but the prep is a beeyotch.

I'm tired. But I'll be 100% sure I'm healthy when I'm done!

A VERY SPECIAL PRIZE if you can identify the lyric in the post title.


Unknown said...

Well, you can get anything you want...

I hate Doctor's appointments. I hate being "middle-aged." Weeks like these I'm not all that fond of being female. Make that going on TWO weeks...

Alex said...

Score! Bonus points to me!

It's from Alice's Restaurant, by Arlo Guthrie!

As if I'm not awesome enough.