Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Post You've All Been Waiting For!

I'm the type to make New Year's Resolutions. You know you're not even surprised by this. This year, however, I am not honestly seeing the purpose of vague, shoulda coulda type goals because, well, I don't get them done. So I have my "must-dos" for 2008.

1. I must take better care of my physical, spiritual and emotional health in 2008. I'll be 40 on May 1 and I feel like shit in all these areas. I need to do what it takes to enjoy the great marriage and great kids I've got and that means taking care of me in every dimension.

Things I hope will support this goal:
1. Read 2 books per week. Seems a lot? I'm a fast reader. I just forgot how much I enjoy it during the year that I couldn't enjoy it because of the cataract. The cataract is gone. It should no longer control me.
2. Commit to regular physical activity. Not only will it lower cholesterol, weight and stress (stress which is leading me to a several thousand dollar dental bill thankyouverymuch) but it will improve my overall confidence, self-esteem (which couldn't, frankly, get worse) and give me more energy for the wonderful children God has blessed me with.
3. Strengthen and deepen my relationships with my husband, children and whomever else might be interested. Newsflash: I love whole-heartedly. If you don't know how much I love you, I'm sorry. And no, much as I'd like to, I don't really hate anybody. People piss me off but they just can't help themselves and I forgive them for it.
4. Strengthen and deepen my relationship with God. I am envious of people who can and do rely on faith to get them through the dark times. It seems so much healthier than Lexapro, doesn't it?

Achieving this goal marks a long-term investment in a life well-lived.

2. I must work on my and my family's financial health in 2008. It should not be this hard to succeed financially on our income. Yes, we took a 50% pay cut on both sides in 2007 and we still own the monkey on our backs in West Michigan, but again we let the negative control us and slowly consume us. This must stop.

Things I hope will support this goal:
1. I must work diligently to minimize my excess earning capacity. I love what I do. I could do it forever if it paid more but making less than I made right out of college with our current level of debt just isn't going to cut it. I have two choices: Supplement the income with freelance work or find a new career path either by getting a PhD or by finding similar but more lucrative employment. Options include business analyst, project management, training and development and, of course, consultant.

2. I must get a grip on our financial situation to the point where we do actually know what our account balances are, can and do meet our financial commitments each and every month.

3. Simplify. I am pressed to be more "green" in my spending and consumption practices. The planet is full of too many people who, like me, aren't paying enough attention to our relationship with the planet. Mother Earth, I am sorry and I promise to change.

4. Question everything. Why is this necessary? Is this a need or a want? What are the standards of performance? I need to apply my S&P background to my purchasing habits and not buy junk or over-spend on essentials. Relentlessly pursue value in all areas and be an informed, responsible consumer. My mantra should be "I have a BS in Finance and an MBA and I'm not afraid to use them!"

5. Find ways to use my hobbies to reduce costs or increase income.

Achieving this goal will enable me to create the kind of lifestyle I want my family to have. One where travel and adventure are not luxuries we can't afford. I want to see the world and I want to see it with my husband and our children.

3. The oxymoron: I am a perfectionist. Most of all this year I need to learn to give myself a break. I don't need to be perfect the first try. But I do need to do and be the best I can everytime. If it is worth doing, it's worth 100% effort.

Now you can think I'm crazy, but I do know a bit about and dabble with Tarot cards from time to time. I felt compelled to do a reading for myself in honor of the new year. My reading was definitely interesting. In the base of the matter position, I found The Fool. The Fool heralds a journey, new beginnings, changes. In the hopes and fears position, I found Temperance. Temperance, in my deck, represents the Goddess Iris. Basically, Temperance is about being in balance. All things in moderation, moderation in all things. Interesting, huh? Now I don't perceive the Tarot as the Gospel, but I do believe that important lessons are learned when you most need to learn them. The remainder of my 10 card spread consisted entirely of minor arcana cards focused on strong relationships and weathering change (mostly cups and swords, if you're curious). I am opening my heart and mind to the lesson.

I hope that when lessons present to you, you do the same.



Ian said...

2 books a week is so much! I have all the free time in the world and I can't make that. Speed reader! But if you find good ones that does a lot to help relax, take yourself out of your own life for a while. Physical activity does that for me, but I get so unmotivated if I leave off for even a couple days. So I'm with you on that one!

What are you doing for the one about being more "green?" I've suddenly become conscious of everything I do that's bad for the environment, but it feels like they're all necessary for daily life... how are you changing it up, because I SO agree with you on that one.

Tal said...

Good post Lisa. I failed every single damn resolution I set out last year, so I'm not doing the recap.

Have you noticed that going green is getting easier, but ti's still more expensive! It's like trying to eat healthily at a fast food restaurant - you can do it but it'll cost ya!

Good luck with the must-dos.

Tal said...

Good post Lisa. I failed every single damn resolution I set out last year, so I'm not doing the recap.

Have you noticed that going green is getting easier, but ti's still more expensive! It's like trying to eat healthily at a fast food restaurant - you can do it but it'll cost ya!

Good luck with the must-dos.