Saturday, June 30, 2007

I'm sorry

I feel like I've been neglecting my blog horribly for the past couple of months. I apologize to my seven loyal readers and thank you all for not abandoning me.

I forgot how much the busy-ness meter goes up when I work full-time. It seems like there aren't enough hours in the day anymore and the house still isn't fully unpacked and there's just too much stuff to try to fit in. That being said, it's still no excuse for neglecting the blog. Time management is the key and after begging you to read and de-lurk and all that, I think it is only fair for me to blog more often.

The next year should be full of plenty to write about. I've been offered and accepted the teaching position at the University. Words don't suffice to express my elation. I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. The hours are perfect - 30 hours a week rather than 40. The pay's okay. Not great but for nine months a year, not too bad either. And not much lower than where I am. I'll make up the difference in daycare savings. I'm hoping to do some freelance work and consulting... maybe even more teaching somewhere else to help pay the bills and possibly fund another adoption. I mean I definitely want to do another adoption (2) but have no idea how we'll be paying for it at this time. I'm looking forward to summers off and winter breaks, spring breaks and the whole crazy mess.

Since I accepted on Thursday, I have been wondering about how to structure my courses. I want them to be interesting and challenging but not extremely hard. My goal is to be the instructor who's classes fill up first. Not overly ambitious, eh?

Leave me some comments telling me what makes a great teacher? Who were your favorites and why?


janiece said...

I think that is wonderful!!!

I guess for me, my favorite teachers related to the "real" world. I think the best way to describe it is like a nurse manager who actually gets out and works the floor once in a while instead of sitting behind the desk or in a meeting. They can relate to what it is like for us, the floor nurses--and fight for what we need. Does that make sense???

Tal said...

Honestly? A good teacher had structure to their class. Outlines (or pp decks) that followed the lecture, that were not mutually exclusive.

A good teacher was approachable, flexible when she could be and firm when she couldn't.

A good teacher made the class feel small, even when it was huge, by elicitng discussion when appropraite, but knew when to stop it from dominating the class.

Although, there's only so much one can do to make somehting like economics (for example) entertaining. ;)

p.s. I's totally sign up for your class!

Unknown said...

Wooohooo! I'm totally jealous. Since you're not around on AIM anymore, I suppose I should tell you here:


Anonymous said...

A good teacher is one that has the time of day for their students and has a well structured course that motivates interest in the subject.