Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I used to be pretty damn good at time management. I had it freaking dialed in, you know? The kids got where they needed to be and I got where I needed to be and everything was smooth. We didn't eat take out all the time (tonight we had K-freakin-FC and I HATE K-freakin-FC!and last night Sarge fed the fellas McDonald's. This is nuts. I have gained five pounds and feel like a complete slug.

Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

I usually drink lots of water after I eat fast food. It probably doesn't do a damn thing, but I feel like it pushes it through my system faster. Then walk it off, I guess. Stick to it, the five pounds will come off again.

Tal said...

Mee toooo! About the slugishness, I mean. Me tooo!