Saturday, September 29, 2007

In case you get confused...

I have made Keyboard Therapy a "Permissions Only" blog. It's getting real personal for the next little while and, while I need to write it down and work it out, I don't feel like flinging all that poo into the blogosphere for the world to see. If you're a loyal reader and would like permission, I think you can request it by trying to enter the site and following instructions. But let this serve as fair warning: you might see a side of me you didn't really want to.

Peace out.


Ian said...

It says permission denied and that you have to change it.

Lisa said...

Sorry DC. I made it public, but once you read it I think you'll understand ;)

Lisa said...

But I really would like to make it permissions only. Can I get your e-mail if you want to have permission?

Ian said...

Yeah, it's

Tal said...

You know mine: twink_er_bell at

I'll like you no matter what.

janiece said...

It won't take me now. It's

Unknown said...

Me, too.

How can I be a loyal reader if I don't follow you to the dark side?