Thursday, November 8, 2007

Oh come on....

You know you are. Everyone has one thing that makes them a BIG nerd. What's your secret? What makes you a nerd?

Me first? Okay. Fine. I've brought it. I'll throw it out there. I'm not scared. I'll tell you. I'm not even a little embarrassed. Really.

Are you sure you won't go first?


I love to knit. Am I any good? No. But someday I will be. I feel like my grandmother when I do it, but there's just no denying it. I really love to knit. It relaxes me and I love seeing something being created with my own two hands. So far I've only finished scarves, but hey! I've got tons of other patterns as soon as I'm not such a big chicken a more experienced knitter. I learned over New Year's 2005 and I was hooked. Oh and speaking of hooked? I can crochet too. I've never actually finished anything but I know the basics.

Now your turn. I know you're a nerd, but why?


Ian said...

I am a nerd because I played Pokemon until I was 17, and I only stopped because the most recent titles were so disappointing. No shame. Haha.

janiece said...

Oh hell, I've been a nerd since the day I was born! I love to read and learn. I love nursing care and particularly theadoption/cleft-affected nursing care. So, I married the ultimate jock and still totally love him after 9 years of marriage. NERD??? You betcha! NERDS RULE!!!

Tal said...

Hmmm. How about I travelled to a different country to stay at the home of people I'd never met before in my life, and to hang out with other people I'd never met before in my life - because of books. Does that qualify me?

Or, (it's a good one), how about the time I was in the school talent show singing the Phantom Theme - as both Christine and the Phantom? Yeah, that's right. I had a mask, and wore an "opera" dress. I was cool shit. Or a geek, depending on how you look at it...